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서평단 모집 - 프로방스 여행- 내 삶이 가장 빛나는 순간으로(디이니셔티브)

by spinel 2023. 6. 12.

신간도서  서평단 모집(하단 링크)

내 삶이 가장 빛나는 순간으로 (디이니셔티브) - 이재형 저자


나는 남프랑스의 한 도시에서 16년 동안 살았다.

지중해에 면한 그 도시는 1년에 300일 이상 해가 나올 정도로 연중 온화하고 화창했다.

비는 거의 내리지 않았고, 여름에는 덥지 않았으며 겨울에는 춥지 않았다.

그야말로 전형적인 지중해성 기후였다.

그러다가 파리에 올라왔고, 얼마 지나지 않아서 우울증에 시달리기 시작했다. 가장 큰 원인은 날씨였다.

파리 날씨는 내가 오랫동안 살았던 지중해 도시의 그것과는 정반대였다.

하늘이 거의 항상 구름으로 덮여 있어서 좀처럼 해를 보기 어려웠고, 비도 자주 내렸다.

《나는 왜 파리를 사랑하는가》에서 얘기했다시피 파리에서 나를 괴롭힌 우울증은 예술의 힘으로 서서히 치유되었다.

하지만, 내 마음 한 켠에는 늘 프로방스의 푸근한 날씨와 눈부신 태양, 시리도록 파란 바다, 높은 언덕에 자리 잡은 아름다운 마을들, 끝없이 펼쳐진 보라색 라벤더밭, 5월이면 온 산야를 붉게 물들이는 개양귀비꽃이 자리 잡고 있었다.

이 프로방스의 풍경은 다시 돌아오라고 끊임없이 나를 부추겼다.

2022년 가을 어느 날, 나는 본능을 따르기로 하고 일탈을 감행했다. 2010년 산티아고 순례를 처음 떠날 때 그랬던 것처럼, 이번에도 잡혀 있던 모든 일정을 취소하고 부랴부랴 짐을 꾸려 파리 가르드리용 기차역에서 프로방스의 도시 아를로 가는 열차에 무작정 올라탔다.


― ‘프로방스로 떠나는 아침’중에서


Title: The Timeless Love Affair: Why Artists Are Drawn to Provence


Provence, an enchanting region in southeastern France, has been a haven for artists throughout the ages. Its breathtaking landscapes, vibrant colors, rich cultural heritage, and luminous light have captivated the hearts and minds of countless painters, writers, and creatives. From Vincent van Gogh to Pablo Picasso, many renowned artists have sought solace and inspiration in Provence. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the enduring love affair between artists and this picturesque corner of the world.

Captivating Landscapes:

Provence boasts an extraordinary diversity of landscapes, ranging from the majestic peaks of the Alps to the serene lavender fields of Valensole. The region's natural beauty, with its olive groves, vineyards, rolling hills, and charming villages, serves as an endless source of inspiration. The varied landscapes of Provence offer artists an abundance of subject matter, allowing them to explore different styles and techniques.

A Symphony of Colors:

One cannot speak of Provence without mentioning its vibrant and ever-changing colors. The region's unique light, intensified by the clear blue skies, bathes the landscape in a kaleidoscope of hues. From the warm ochres of Roussillon to the azure waters of the Mediterranean, Provence offers a feast for the eyes. Artists are irresistibly drawn to these colors, which infuse their works with a sense of vitality, luminosity, and emotion.

Cultural Heritage:

Provence is steeped in history and culture, which adds depth and dimension to the artistic experience. From Roman ruins to medieval fortresses, the region is a living testament to the passage of time. The architectural marvels of Avignon's Palais des Papes or Arles' Roman amphitheater provide a rich backdrop for artistic exploration. The legacy of famous residents, such as Vincent van Gogh and Paul Cézanne, further fuels the artistic heritage of the region, inspiring contemporary artists to follow in their footsteps.

The Spirit of the Mediterranean:

Located along the Mediterranean coast, Provence is imbued with the spirit of the sea. The azure waters, golden beaches, and picturesque fishing villages create a sense of serenity and tranquility. The coastal towns of Marseille, Nice, and Saint-Tropez have long been magnets for artists seeking inspiration from the interplay between land and sea. The sea's rhythmic movement and ever-changing colors evoke a sense of freedom and harmony that resonates deeply with creative souls.

Provencal Cuisine and Gastronomy:

Provence is renowned for its gastronomic delights, which play a significant role in the artistic experience. The region's culinary traditions, such as bouillabaisse, ratatouille, and lavender-infused honey, engage all the senses and nourish the creative spirit. Artists find inspiration in the vibrant farmers' markets, where colorful displays of fruits, vegetables, and local delicacies stimulate their imagination and connect them to the land.

Artistic Legacy and Community:

Provence has a long-standing tradition of nurturing artistic talent and fostering a vibrant creative community. The region has been home to many artistic movements, from the post-impressionist works of van Gogh in Arles to the Fauvist movement in Saint-Tropez. The presence of prestigious art institutions, galleries, and art festivals, such as the Rencontres d'Arles, further enhances the artistic allure of Provence. Artists find solace and inspiration in the supportive environment and the opportunity to connect with fellow creatives.

The Provençal Way of Life:

The relaxed and unhurried lifestyle of Provence appeals to artists seeking respite from the hectic pace of modern life. The emphasis on enjoying simple pleasures, such as sipping a glass of rosé on a sun-drenched terrace or taking a leisurely stroll through a fragrant lavender field, allows artists to reconnect with their inner selves. The unhurried rhythm of life in Provence encourages reflection, introspection, and the cultivation of creativity.


Provence's allure for artists transcends time and continues to draw creative souls from all corners of the globe. Its captivating landscapes, vibrant colors, cultural heritage, Mediterranean spirit, culinary delights, artistic legacy, and relaxed lifestyle create an environment that nourishes and inspires artistic expression. The region's timeless beauty and undeniable charm serve as a testament to the enduring love affair between artists and Provence. As long as there are artists seeking inspiration, Provence will remain a sanctuary where creativity flourishes, and the legacy of art lives on.



